Nigeria Navy Salary 2021/2022 [UP-TO-DATE]
Nigeria Navy Salary 2021/2022. The Nigerian Navy is said to be the highest paid armed force, although all armed forces Navy, Army, and Airforce are designed to work together, but there is still a slight difference in their work in the same way as their salary.
The Nigerian Navy and Air Force work so closely that sometimes you can’t tell the difference between the two.

However, it is very important to be knowledgeable about this article as you may need it in the future. If you are have interest in joining Navy, you maybe asked in an interview about Nigeria Navy salary, Nigerian Navy History and many other relevant things. In that case, if you are one of those who are searching for” navy salary in nigeria, nigeria navy recruit salary, how much is navy salary in nigeria, how much is nigeria navy salary, how much is nigeria navy recruit salary, nigeria navy monthly salary, and Nigeria Navy Salary” this page will solve all related questions regarding these search queries.
The Nigeria navy salary is given according to their ranking structure.
i. Mid-Shipman – ₦118,835 monthly, ₦1,426,020 annually
ii. Acting Sub-Lieutenant – ₦130,852 monthly, ₦1,570,224 annually
iii. Sub-Lieutenant – ₦150,625 monthly, ₦1,807,500 annually
iv. Lieutenant – ₦195,685 monthly, ₦2,348,220 annually
v. Lieutenant Commander – ₦230,652 monthly, ₦2,767,500 annually
vi. Commander – ₦281,673 monthly, ₦3,380,076 annually
vii. Captain – ₦309,654 monthly, ₦3,715,848 annually
viii. Commodorel – ₦615, 484 monthly, ₦7,385,898 annually
ix. Rear Admiral – ₦1,003,245 monthly, ₦12,038,940 annually
x. Vice-Admiral – ₦1,113,602 monthly, ₦13,363,224 annually
xi. Admiral – ₦1,358,595 monthly, ₦16,303,540 annually
xii. Admiral of the Fleet – Not fixed due to political reasons
These categories of officers are those recruited from the usual advertised recruitment exercise of the Nigerian Navy. They are at the base of the ladder in the hierarchy of the Nigerian Navy.
According to the Nigerian navy salary and ranks structure, their salaries are less compared to the Commissioned officers. Even though, their salaries also increase as their ranks increase.
Below is the salary structure of Nigeria navy non-commissioned officers in ascending order.
i. Trainee – Trainee is not paid until they finish their training. They get paid only after being, promoted, enlisted, and when they became a Naval officer.
ii. Ordinary Rating – ₦45,854 monthly, ₦550,140 annually
iii. Able Rating – ₦50,855 monthly, ₦610,260 annually
iv. Leading Rating – ₦70,855 monthly, ₦850,260 annually
v. Petty Officer – ₦80,852 monthly, ₦970,224 annually
vi. Chief Petty Officer – ₦90,825 monthly, ₦1,089,900 annually
vii. Warrant Chief Petty Officer – ₦120,853 monthly, ₦1,450,236 annually.