Benefits of Living in Canada
There are numerous reasons why people choose to relocate to Canada. Most often, their goal is to improve their lives and those of their family. Because it provides excellent prospects for work and personal development, Canada is regarded as one of the greatest countries in the world for immigration.
Life in Canada has proved to be fulfilling for many expats from all over the world. You can also read on How to immigrate to Canada easily as a nurse in 2022
It is seen as an ideal place for those who are looking for a better quality of life and money. Canada is well known for its high standard of living and amazing quality of life. Not only does it have the right balance between work and play, but also the perfect environment to enjoy both.
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In this guide, we will outline some of the Top Six Biggest Benefits of Living in Canada.
1. Low Violence and Crime Rates
Canada is considered one of the safest countries in the world. Although crime exists everywhere, people in Canada are generally very law-abiding. Particularly, if you’re planning to immigrate with your family, you can be certain that you and your children are safe.
2. Education
Canada’s education system is world-renowned since the government spends more on education per capita than any other industrial nation in the world. According to Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC), Canada tops the list as the most educated country in the world.
Canada is also home to the world’s top universities. Mcgill University, the University of Toronto, McMaster University and the University of British Columbia, are some of the world’s best post-secondary institutions and rank omg the top 100. The country has an incredible education system with top teachers.
According to surveys run by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Canada is one of the few countries that appears in the top bracket for education in maths, science and reading.
Canada’s social landscape focuses on inclusivity and celebrating multinationalism, which is important if you’re moving to Canada as an immigrant.
3. Universal Healthcare
One of the biggest benefits of living in Canada is the exceptional standard of healthcare you’ll experience. With Canadian permanent residency, you can apply for public health insurance. You won’t have to pay for most health services because Canada’s healthcare system is paid for by taxes.
Are you a Nurse ? Click here to see how to immigrate to Canada as a nurse in 2022 / 2023
You must present your miniature ID-like health card when using public healthcare services. All territories and provinces will offer free emergency medical treatment even if you don’t have a government healthcare card.
Depending on your immigration status, there can be certain limitations. If you have a medical emergency, you can go to the closest hospital, albeit if you don’t reside in that province or area they might charge you. If you live and work in Canada , your job may offer to you health benefits.
Canada’s Medicare system offers free basic health care to everyone. This system is based on need rather than the ability to pay. It’s paid for via taxes.
If you plan to live and work in Canada, you will be happy to know that this makes it accessible to all and it’s a big weight off the shoulders of most ordinary working-class people.
4. Canada is a Diverse Country
Canada is a progressive, multicultural bunch, and you’ll see this once you settle in Canada. You are encouraged to maintain your customs, religion, language, and culture when you immigrate to Canada. More than 140 different languages are spoken in Toronto alone, and more than 20% of Canadians were born outside of the country.
It’s not possible to walk down a street in Vancouver or Toronto without hearing a foreign language or catching the scent of some mouth-watering international cuisine. Visit any major city in Canada and you’ll l feel like you are taking a tour of more than just one country. Life in Canada for many immigrants is made easier by being surrounded by similar cultures and backgrounds
Major cities are home to districts like Chinatown, Little Italy, or even a Korean town, which provide visitors and locals alike a full cultural experience. It is simple for an expat to settle in Canada because acceptance and respect are deeply ingrained in the culture.
It is probably no surprise that Canada was ranked number one in the world for tolerance in the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey.
Renowned for being one of the most open-minded countries around, Canada has been allowing same-sex marriages since 2005, whilst other countries are now only ushering in this type of flexibility! This is great news if you’re immigrating to Canada. There are many immigrants and Canadians who are welcoming no matter what your race, gender or culture.
A third of Canadian students weren’t born in Canada, but have settled in the country have migrated from elsewhere. As a result, Canada has a fantastically rich cultural experience that is visible in its cuisine, dress, and art. Children growing up in Canada will have highly broad brains and a solid understanding of their surroundings because to this vibrant cultural fusion.
5. Large Job Market
There are plenty of job opportunities since Canada currently has more than 1 million jobs available and most of them are full-time. They’re across various fields from nurses to truck drivers, fruit pickers and IT specialists.
Because Canada has a growing elderly population, many of the residents are reaching retirement age and leaving the workforce. This calls for more chances to get a dream job in Canada. The salaries in certain job markets have increased exponentially, because of the number of retiring professionals.
Your plans to live and work in Canada will go much smoother with a job, but Canada offers the chance to immigrate to the country even without a job offer, unlike many countries which require you to have one before you can apply for a visa.
There are now many professions that can qualify you for fast-track entry under the Federal Skilled Workers program. They encompass a wide range of professions, such as those in medicine, engineering, administration, construction, and many other fields.
Canada’s economy is growing, and growth inspires more needs which opens up all sorts of opportunities for all kinds of professions.
6. Affordability
Life in Canada is affordable. Even with an average income, Canadians may maintain a high standard of living. Canada’s cost of living is very similar to that of other first-world nations, but your overall purchasing power will be 5.5 percent better according to Numbeo.
Canada remains one of the most popular expat destinations with over eight million immigrants currently calling it home. The advantages of residing in the Great White North are obvious, with its wide-open expanses and secure, affluent cities. With many additional benefits, such as polar bears and the Northern Lights, Canada is one of the world’s safest, securest, and happiest countries.
Live in Canada
The benefits of living in Canada can change your life completely. If you think this is the right move for you, contact us today and we’ll put you in touch with a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC). An RCIC provides a convenient service that removes the stress and time associated with applying for visas. The team will answer any questions you may have about working, studying and immigrating to Canada and guide you through the process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Canada a Good Country to Live in?
Yes! Canada is a great country to live in. Numerous studies routinely position Canada among the top countries to live in. Canada was rated as the third greatest country in the world by US News & World Report in both 2018 and 2019. This is largely attributable to Canada’s universal health care system, long life expectancy, and low rates of crime and violence.
Why Should I Get Canadian Permanent Residency?
Canadian PR affords you many opportunities that would otherwise not be available to you if you are simply living in the country on a temporary permit. For example, with a PR card, you can enter and exit Canada whenever you want to without applying for a visitor’s permit. Additionally, Canada offers benefits such as free education until secondary school for permanent residents, as well as free medical assistance. You will not be able to claim these benefits unless you are a permanent resident.
Does it Matter Where I Settle in Canada?
Where you settle in Canada depends on several factors: your job, your children’s education, the community and the particulars of your current visa, as well as any requirements of your permanent residency application. For example, if you applied through a provincial nomination program, then you will have to live in the province that nominated you. generally speaking, Canada is a wonderful country, and no matter where you go, your quality of life and standard of living will be exceptional.