Study-In-Germany: 2022 Catholic Academic Exchange Service KAAD Scholarship Programme for Developing Countries

Study-In-Germany: 2022 Catholic Academic Exchange Service KAAD Scholarship Programme for Developing Countries

Study-In-Germany: 2022 Catholic Academic Exchange Service KAAD Scholarship Programme for Developing Countries

The KAAD Scholarship Programme is addressed to post-graduates and to academics living in their home countries who already gained professional experience and who are interested in postgraduate studies (or research stays) in Germany

This program is administered by regional partner committees, staffed by university professors and church representatives. Normally documents are submitted to the committee of the applicant’s home country.

NB: There is no specific subject-preference. However, the selection board has often given preference to courses and subjects that they felt to be of significance for the home country of the applicant.

Scholarship Summary

  • Host Country: Germany 🇩🇪
  • Study Abroad: Study in Europe
  • Category: Postgraduate Scholarships | Masters Scholarships | PhD Scholarships
  • Eligible Countries:  All Developing Countries
  • Reward: Full Scholarship | Accommodation | Stipend | Flight Ticket
  • Deadline: June 30, 2022

Scholarship Details:

The Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) is the scholarship institution of the German Catholic Church for post-graduate students and scientists from (developing) countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Near and Middle East, as well as Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

KAAD supports his scholars in form of scholarships and educational programs and offers spiritual and personal assistance in view of future multiplying functions students will have in their home countries.

Scholarship Requirements:

To be eligible for the KAAD Fellowship, candidates must:

  • Come from a developing or emerging country in Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America and are currently living there
  • Have a university degree and professional experience from their home country
  • Want to acquire a master’s degree or a PhD at a German university or do a post-doctoral research project (2-6 months for established university lecturers) at a German university
  • Be Catholic Christian (or generally belong to a Christian denomination). Candidates from other religions can apply if they are proposed by Catholic partners and can prove their commitment to interreligious dialogue
  • Possess German language skills before starting the studies (KAAD can provide a language course of max. 6 months in Germany)

Scholarship Duration and Reward

Applicants who are awarded scholarships for Germany under S1 are helped by KAAD with their Visa-modalities, paid for the flights to Germany and back, provided with language training in Germany prior to their studies, etc.


Interview date, Process and Venue for KAAD Postgraduate Scholarship

Selection Criteria: 

  • KAAD’s mission is to give scholarships mainly to lay members of the Catholic Church. This means, that – There is a preference for Catholic applicants.
  • However, among the scholars, there is a limited number of: Protestant Christians, Orthodox Christians (especially from Ethiopia)and Muslims.
  • Catholic priests and religious people are eligible only in very rare cases.

Expectations from KAAD: 

  • Above-average performance in studies and research
  • The orientation of your studies or research towards permanent reintegration in your home region (otherwise the scholarship is turned into a loan),
  • Religious and social commitment (activities) and willingness to inter-religious dialogue.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified applicants should apply using the link below.


Deadline: June 30, 2022

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